Sounds cool already, but who can you play as, you might ask? Well, these beautiful, crazy bastards have gone way above and beyond to bring us THIRTY distinct leaders (some being alternates for the same civ), including Ashurbanipal of Assyria, Sargon of Akkad, Hannibal of Carthage, Hatshepsut of Egypt, Arminius of Germania, Boudica of the Iceni, Zenobia of Palmyra, Leonidas of Sparta, Helen and Hector of Troy, four new Roman emperors, and reworked versions of some vanilla favorites like Pericles, Qin Shi Huang, and Chandragupta. This sharper focus allows Anno Domini to model things that would normally be outside the scope of a Civ game, including new Historical Moments and new government types. It basically takes Civ 6’s gameplay and zooms way in on the Ancient and Classical eras "from the Dawn of Time to the fall of Rome," keeping the same game pace and roughly the same number of civics and technologies to unlock. Experience A Total War Saga: TROY in even more horrifying detail with the Blood & Glory DLC This pack introduces several new gory effects to battles and the campaign map, letting your warriors charge into the Trojan War in all its blood-soaked glory. Click a blank space in the folder, then press either Ctrl + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac). Mac Click a blank space in the folder, click File, click New Folder, type in mods, and press Return.

This is one of the most involved mods I’ve ever seen. Windows Right-click a blank space in the folder, select New, click Folder, type in mods, and press Enter. How to Download & Install Total War: Rome II Emperor Edition Click the Download button below and you should be redirected to UploadHaven.